

Are you interested in cardiovascular biomechanics, physics-based modeling and/or machine learning techniques? We are looking for talented and motivated researchers to join our team.

PhD students

PhD vacancy
In silico modeling and optimization soft robotic hearts

[vacancy closed]

PhD vacancy
Mechanobiology of myocardial tissue

[vacancy closed]

PhD vacancy
Surrogate modeling cardiovascular digital twins

[vacancy opening soon]


PostDoc vacancy
Data- and physics-based identification of soft tissue mechanics

Join us on our quest to overcome a long-standing research challenge in soft tissue biomechanics through the combination of multi-modal experimental tissue testing data, machine learning and physics!

We are looking for a candidate who holds, or is about to obtain, a PhD degree in Engineering (Mechanics, BioMechanics, BioMedical, Aerospace, Mathematics or equivalent) and has a strong background in linear and tensor algebra, non-linear mechanics, advanced finite element analysis, computational solid mechanics, high-performance computing, data-driven approaches, and physics-informed machine learning.

To be considered, please apply through the TU Delft HR platform

PostDoc vacancy
Computational human heart modeling

[vacancy opening soon]